Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To Get Right Tenants, Conduct Background Checks

If you have the right tenants, renting your place out would generate a steady income and it will be smooth sailing all the years of your life. Though this is not always the case, having unscrupulous people as tenants would generate you tons of headaches and it may also be for all the years of your life.

The solution? Run background checks on your potential tenants before you close deal with them. This is never a guarantee that you will get to filter out 100 percent of the "bad people" from renting you place. But doing so will lessen the probability that you will have a big headache anytime soon.

If you own multiple apartments, you wouldn't want dreadful people spreading fear with your other tenants. Getting the wrong tenant on board may get your other three tenants out.

Also, if these suspicious individuals get arrested in your place, you may be dragged into their criminal cases as a witness. Or worse, be implicated as harboring criminals, accessory to crimes or even be co-conspirator or crimes.

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